Fly On Wall Street

Is Tylenol better than Opiods for chronic pain?

In a study, after 1 year, the non-opioid group had better overall control of their pain as compared to the patients in the group getting opioids.

A new study out of the Veterans’ Affairs Hospital says yes. In the study, the researchers had 240 patients either get acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol) or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (brand name Advil/Motrin) versus an opioid (brand name Vicodin, Norco, Percocet) for their chronic arthritis pain in their hips and back.

The doctors were allowed to add additional non-opioid medications to the acetaminophen group, while the other group was able to get stronger opioid medications (like morphine and fentanyl patches).

After 1 year, the non-opioid group had better overall control of their pain as compared to the patients in the group getting opioids. It is known that patients who get opioids can start to develop a tolerance to the opioids within even a few days to weeks. As a result, the same dose after time, starts to not have the same effect. The study authors think this may be one of the reasons that the non-opioid group had better pain relief.

In the Emergency Department, we are treating patients daily for their chronic pain needs. Across Colorado, we are working through the Colorado chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians to try to stem the opioid public health crisis by cutting back on the amount of narcotics that are being prescribed in the Emergency Department.

Opioids have been named as one of the biggest contributors to the current opioid public health crisis in the U.S. With opioid overdoses on the rise in adults and children , it does seem that non-opioids can and should be used for chronic back and hip arthritis pain.

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