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Bethesda’s Pete Hines Speaks of Future Nintendo Switch Support: Day and Date Releases of New Games Would Be Ideal

Bethesda has been one of the best supporters of Nintendo’s Switch, which is incredibly surprising, given how much the publisher has studiously avoided Nintendo’s platforms prior to this. But Bethesda has already put out Skyrim on the Switch, as well as DOOM, with Wolfenstein 2 coming up next, and its efforts, especially Skyrim, have been met with success.

But where does Bethesda go on the Switch from here? Is its love affair with Nintendo’s console over, or does it have more in the works? In an interview with DualShockers, Bethesda’s Pete Hines discussed bringing more games to the Switch, both ports of its existing lineup, as well as for its upcoming games.

“It’ll just depend,” he said. “It’ll depend on whether or not we think the game is a good fit for the platform technically and whether we think it’s something that audience wants on Switch. In that way, it’s literally no different than any other platform that we look at or any other game that we do. Hopefully, it’ll be a mix of both. If there’s stuff that folks want us to release on Switch and it’s a good fit and it works – great. If it’s new stuff going forward that we think is a good fit and will work on Switch, then we’ll do that too.”

Hines also said that the company would prefer having its games out on the Switch day and date with the other versions of its titles that it puts out. “That’s always our preference but in the case of Skyrim and DOOM, well, that wasn’t possible,” he said. “In the case of Wolfenstein II, we needed the extra time and there was no way we were going to hold the other platforms to wait for Switch. From my perspective, any time we can bring it out on the Switch at the exact same time as the other platforms for new releases, I don’t know why we wouldn’t.”

Hines overall sounds incredibly positive on bringing future games to the Switch, which is a good thing, and which indicates that Bethesda is happy with how it’s Switch games have performed so far. Hopefully, Starfield will be announced for Switch too, this E3. That is, if Starfield is announced at all. Please, Bethesda…

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