Fly On Wall Street

TN Liquor Stores Open For Business Now On Sunday’s

Starting Sunday, people can buy their favorite drinks at Tennessee liquor stores.

Governor Bill Haslam signed the Sunday Wine and Liquor sales law Friday. Stores across the Mid-South are cashing in.

Brown Jug Liquor on Summer Avenue is among the first liquor stores taking advantage of a new law that allows business on Sundays.

“We were expecting it to be pretty consistent. People have been very excited since we’ve been telling them. And as soon as we opened at 10 o’clock, right away we had people here,” said Ben Moore, Supervisor, Brown Jug Liquor.

Under the law, liquor stores can be open seven days a week from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

“It was a fairly contentious vote, but obviously the votes in favored one, at that point in time we said well we will defer to the will of the legislature on this one and sign the law,” said Governor Bill Haslam.

Some critics say the law is not needed in the bible belt and it offends Tennessee’s Southern culture.

“If you protect one religion what about all the other people who just don’t happen to follow that,” Moore explained.

Tennessee is the 42nd state to allow seven-day liquor and wine sales. The first Sunday grocery stores can sell wine is January 6, from 10 a.m. To 11 p.m. but they may sell wine on any holiday.

“It’s something new to Memphis and then it’s like it’s time to step up and do things we ain’t done. You know we had to go out of town on holidays and Sundays,” said customer Vantrell.

While many stores debated whether to open this Sunday, the owner of Brown Jug says it was a no brainer.

“We’ve been getting crowds and 10 people or more so obviously they are not really opposed to coming in on a Sunday so why not be open,” Moore said.

There are some stores that are choosing to not open on Sundays for several more weeks to figure out staffing and to give employees time to adjust to the new schedule. Liquor stores will not be able to sell wine and liquor on holidays like Easter, Christmas or Thanksgiving. Beginning January of 2019, grocery stores will be able to sell wine on Sundays.

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