Fly On Wall Street

Publicis Groupe Announces Its Intention to Acquire Soft Computing

Publicis Groupe announces that it is entering into exclusive negotiations with the founding shareholders of Soft Computing, a leading data marketing firm in France, with a view to the acquisition of a controlling block representing 82.99% of the share capital at a price of 25 euro per share (2018 coupon attached), i.e. at a premium of 66,66% to the closing price on December 19, 2018.

Created in 1984 by Eric Fischmeister and Gilles Venturi, Soft Computing is specialized in Data and how it is applied to enhance marketing and transform the customer experience. With over 400 experts, this market leading company provides its services to the majority of large corporates in the retail, services and financial sectors.

This transaction would reinforce Publicis Groupe’s data marketing expertise across the entire value chain in France, further consolidating its position as the preferred partner for its clients’ transformation.

The proposed acquisition is subject to prior information and consultation with the bodies representing Soft Computing’s staff, as well as to the usual conditions precedent. If the acquisition of this controlling stake is completed, Publicis Groupe will file a simplified public offering, on the same financial terms, which may be followed by a compulsory buyout if the attendant conditions are met.

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