Managing your personal finances is challenging, especially if you’re doing so for a small business or your family in addition to yourself. Maybe you have a system of notebooks that works for you or dozens of Excel sheets that you update manually every few weeks. Maybe it’s time to get a little help. Fortunately, MoneyWiz 3 has you covered.
MoneyWiz 3 lets you sync all of your bank accounts, devices, budgets, and bills in a single interface. It supports more than 16,000 banks in more than 50 countries, allowing you to seamlessly integrate and visualize all of your finances. From investments on the global stock exchange to cryptocurrencies, MoneyWiz’s cloud sync platform, SYNCbits, keeps everything up to date so you know your net worth all the time. You can easily import additional bank statements from OFX, QIF, CSV, QFX, and MT940 formats, reconcile bank statements, and get informed financial forecasts in minutes.
It’s one platform to manage and maintain your financial future. Normally $49.99, you can save 60 percent when you get MoneyWiz 3 for just $19.99 today. It’s available on Windows and Mac.