Fly On Wall Street

Money-saving tips to cope with cold weather

 Montana is entering the deep freeze this week with single-digit and below-zero temperatures.

Experts at NorthWestern Energy shared some tips on how to stay warm and save money during extreme cold:

Bundle up inside rather than turning up the temperature on your thermostat. Wear a cozy sweater and warm socks. Curl up in a blanket when reading or watching TV.

Check your hot water heater’s temperature to make sure it’s safe and efficient — 120 degrees is plenty.

Check your refrigerator and freezer temperatures to make sure the refrigerator is set between 37 and 40 degrees F and your freezer temperature is between 0 and 5 degrees F.

Check your heating equipment to make sure it is working properly and clean or replace the furnace filters.

Inspect your windows and doors for air leaks. If you see daylight around a door or window frame, then the door or window leaks. Seal up the leaks by caulking, adding weather stripping or installing a door sweep. Visit our How-To Videos page for videos on how to assist you with energy saving projects.

Wrap your hot water tank and install pipe insulation on the first 10 feet of the hot water pipe.

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