Fly On Wall Street

96% of iOS users in the US turned app tracking off after the 14.5 update

Some apps on iOS are capable of tracking the user’s behavior, even if they switch to certain other apps, in a way that might be hard to control without a deep dive into an Apple device’s settings. However, the recent 14.5 update made the process much easier with App Tracking Transparency.

The new feature can bring up a window informing the use of a given app’s tracking potential on opening it, and offers the option to turn it off at the touch of a button. Now, Flurry Analytics, a Verizon Media-owned group that conducts research based on its code’s integration into “over 1 million” apps “across 2 billion mobile devices per month”, has reported that only 11% of iOS users worldwide left this app-tracking on upon discovering App Tracking Transparency after installing the 14.5 update.

The same number was just 2% in the US market, although this rose to about 4% over the ~2 weeks post-update. iOS 14.5 also integrates a setting that obliges apps to send the user requests to track them prior to doing so; apparently only about 5% of users continued to allow them to do so on updating their devices worldwide, or 3-4% in the US. All in all, this is news unlikely to make companies such as Facebook very happy these days.

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