Fly On Wall Street

Here’s How Much Money Full-Time Remote Work Might Actually Save You

Before the pandemic, working remotely on a full-time basis was something only a small percentage of salaried employees got to do. But in the wake of the pandemic, more companies have realized that workers are, in fact, capable of doing their jobs from home, and that in some cases, there’s no need to spend money on office space when remote employment works just as well.

If you’ve been given the option to work from home on a full-time basis, you may be inclined to take it for the savings involved. And those savings may be more significant than you’d think.

What could an extra $12,000 a year do for you?

Recent data from FlexJobs reveals that working remotely on a full-time basis could result in annual savings of up to $12,000. That’s a lot of extra money to stick in your bank account.

Where do those savings come from? For one thing, working remotely all the time means not having to commute. That could, in turn, mean ditching a car if you only need one to get to and from the office, or spending less to fuel and maintain a vehicle. Working remotely on a full-time basis might even result in lower auto insurance premiums.

Then there’s savings on clothing. When you work in an office, you need to maintain a decent rotation of professional attire. And even if your office dress code is casual, you probably don’t want to show up wearing the same pair of stained pants five days in a row. When you work remotely all the time, there’s less of a need to spend money on clothing.

Finally, when you work from home, you can raid your own kitchen during the day when you need a caffeine fix or get hungry for lunch. Compare that to the cost of buying coffee at a local cafe or buying lunch, and it’s easy to see where the savings can really add up.

Is full-time remote work right for you?

Clearly, there’s money to be saved when you work remotely on a full-time basis. But before you jump at the chance to sign up for this type of arrangement, make sure it really works for you.

If you live in a small apartment, you may find that full-time remote work makes you feel restless and claustrophobic. And if you rely on your job as a social outlet, working remotely all the time might lead to feelings of isolation and negativity.

There’s also your physical health to consider. If working outside the home means having to walk 10 blocks to a train station twice a day, that’s forced exercise. If you’re convinced that full-time remote work will turn you into a full-fledged couch potato, you may want to reconsider.

All told, there’s a lot to be gained (and saved) by doing your job from home all the time. But before you go that route, make sure that’s really the right call. If not, you could always try to arrange for a hybrid schedule that has you working from home part of the week without feeling trapped.

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