How to Save Money in 2020: Unplug Your Electronics

Now that people are spending more time at home, they may be using more power than they would have pre-pandemic. As employees move to remote work and schools shift classes online, an increase in electricity usage is unavoidable for many. That said, TSA has a tip for saving costs where you can.

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It all starts with unplugging your electronics when they’re not in use because even though they look like they’re completely off, they’re still using a certain amount of energy. Why? So when you go to turn your coffee maker on, for example, it’ll power right up without delay. If you can afford a little patience by unplugging between uses, you could save $100 on average per year, says the TSA.

“Getting ready to head to the airport? Before you leave unplug your electronics that are not in use, such as phone chargers, coffee makers, and toaster ovens. It is estimated that ‘standby power’ consumption costs the average U.S. household $100 per year #EnergyActionMonth,” @TSA wrote on Twitter.

“Standby power” refers to the electrical energy used by devices even when they appear to be turned off. This allows electronics to turn on quickly, but also that they’re constantly drawing some power from the electrical grid.

And, of course, you don’t need to go on a trip or even leave the house at all to keep your standby power in check. If you have electronics in your home that you don’t use regularly, there’s no harm in unplugging them until you need to use them again. Reducing your electricity usage is just one of many simple ways to save money in coronavirus quarantine.

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