Tips for saving money this Thanksgiving

NEW YORK – New Yorkers are burning a hole in their pockets in preparation for their Thanksgiving meals. At Morton Williams on the Upper East Side, turkeys cost 30 cents more a pound than they did last year.

Store manager Angelo Puleo shared an idea on how to save — make substitutions.

“You can find substitutes that are less expensive,” Puleo said. “Could be in the spice department, from organics to regular it’s a lot less.”

Food Network Chef Sunny Anderson says prices are up 10% to 15% on all Thanksgiving table-top items due to supply chain issues nationwide.

“Reimagine what Thanksgiving can do for you. So instead of that big bird, maybe it’s a smaller bird or think about roasting a chicken,” Anderson said. “You also lose a lot of money in the leftovers. Freeze parts, if you must, like the bones and make some stock later on. Slice breast for turkey sandwiches.”

Anderson also suggested checking out turkey prices at local butchers because you’d be surprised at how many small businesses offer sales. She also said that if you’re thinking about going out for thanksgiving dinner, prices are up at restaurants, too, so it might not be any cheaper.

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