California electric bills may soon be income-based

If you live in California, your electricity bill could be affected by how much money you earn.

California’s three largest power companies – Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, and San Diego Gas & Electric – have submitted a joint proposal to the Public Utilities Commission outlining a fixed rate restructuring that would be based on one’s income.

The plan would break down monthly bills into the fixed rate plus a reduced usage charge based on consumption. According to officials this fixed-rate plan would reduce monthly bills for low-income customers and if electricity usage is controlled, bills would also be lowered.

Here’s a breakdown of the proposed rate restructuring for Edison customers based on income:

  • Above $180,000: $85/month
  • $69,000 – $180,000: $51/month
  • $28,000 – $69,000: $20/month
  • Less than $28,000: $15/month

The fixed-rate proposal is part of the companies’ compliance with Assembly Bill 205 passed last year, which requires utilities companies implement these fixed-rate plans.

The California Public Utilities Commission would have to approve the proposal and make a final decision by mid-2024. If approved, the fixed-rate bills could be in effect as soon as 2025.

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