Expert offers tips to save money on energy bill as winter nears

  • Winter is making its way to mid-Michigan with signs of the first snowfall on the way
  • Neighbors in Lansing are seeing increased rates to their energy bills
  • Video shows one expert offering tips on how to save money on your energy bill

As winter makes its way to mid-Michigan, neighbors will more than likely turn that thermostat to the right to warm things up.

With neighbors in Lansing seeing increased rates on their utility bills, a spokesperson with Consumers Energy offered tips to help keep bills low.

Matt Johnson, of Consumers Energy, says about 30% of your energy bill comes from heating your home.

Johnson says winterizing your home can help cut costs like getting your furnace cleaned and tuned up.

“Make sure that it has room to breathe appropriately so it doesn’t have to use as much energy,” Johnson said. “We don’t want anybody to freeze this winter.”

Neighbors who leave on vacation or for a long period of time can utilize smart thermostats, according to Johnson.

“[Those] could save customers up to 20% of your energy bill. That’s a big number that adds up pretty quickly,” Johnson said. “

Johnson also recommends turning down the temperature on your water heater.

“If you can live with warm water and not as hot of water you’ll save a significant amount of energy that way too,” Johnson said.

Sealing windows and doors, Johnson says, is also a good way to keep costs down. Johnson said a crack of just one-eighth of an inch can let in a lot of cold air.

Because heat rises, Johnson says turning on your ceiling fan can also help keep the heat going.

“Turning on that ceiling fan at a very low temperature so that it rotates and pulls that warm air back down into your room is another easy cost-saving tip,” Johnson said.

If your bill still becomes too expensive to manage, Johnson says you can dial 211 which will connect you to non-profit and state resources to help with financial assistance.

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